Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fixing The Castle After Warfare

             After the war. After all the fighting and cleaning up is done they must rebuild the city by first taking the moat around the castle and draining it and then refilling it and separating the fish inside the moat because the kings were very picky about which moat special fish were in. After refilling the moat they would cut down all the trees around the moat to keep the area safe because attackers could swim across and cut them down so that enemy battering rams could go across.then they would fix all the holes in the wall by filling them with limestone blocks and concrete.
             Inside the castle walls. Inside the walls of the castle walls many repairs needed to be finished like rebuilding the wooden walls of the shop by first place daub (from last post) on the wall to hold the wood on the wall then since the building would probably be a house they would use dried hay which could light fire very quickly as the roof. For special buildings they would build them out of stone and for the roof they wood use real shingles made out of wood they wood make the shingle by nailing to gether a whole bunch of treebarks. The concrete as made out of a whole bunch of rocks pushed together then held together with alot of mortar.

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